FASHION | Summer Hosiery WTF - Lilla Loves

Monday, July 07, 2014

FASHION | Summer Hosiery WTF

I know what you are thinking, tights in the summer? Are you serious? Well actually yes, for quite a few reasons! The first being so that I can wear short shorts without scaring little children into believing the cottage cheese monster is striding towards them!

OK, that's not strictly true (or fair, my legs aren't THAT bad), but say I want to pop to the beach after a day at the office? I can wear my shorts with say polka dot tights to dress them up and then take them off to sun them on the beach with a nice spritzer and friends.

Another thing that the curvier/cuddlier readers might identify with is thigh rubbing. It starts out OK, but then the hotter you get the worst it gets, until you are sort of walking like a cowboy. This is something that I no longer suffer with, but that didn't stop me getting really paranoid when I went to see Black Sabbath and packing a pair just in case.

It's great to be able to wear a skirt or dress and get your legs out a bit, but wear tights to prevent rubbing, or if you aren't quite happy with your legs (mine are literally iridescent, they are so white!). Or you can add them to a summer dress for a night out to keep you warm in the breezy summer evenings.

As well as tights, you can also cute up an outfit with ankle socks! Frilly ones with Maryjane's and trainers or glittery ones with your jellys or sandals.

Here are some of my favourite at the moment!
Summer Tights

Are you a summer tights wearer?

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