Fashion | Let's Get to LFW (Next Season) - Lilla Loves

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Fashion | Let's Get to LFW (Next Season)

This year I was lucky enough to be invited to LFW, but unfortunately I couldn't make it (typical! the one time). Hopefully I will get an invite to the next one, but to improve my chances I am going to:

Be on the top of my Blogging game

I regularly leave posting for a week or too, I just get busy or distracted and say to myself "blog tomorrow". Then tomorrow takes a week to come. I've started using Trello to help plan what I am going to post, then add pictures to my post notes once they are done so that when I can blog it is all in one place.

I've also made a list of backup posts to write - stuff that isn't seasonal or time-sensitive, that I can have waiting just in case I run out of time to blog but still need a post.

Another thing I have thought of is to increase my OOTD posts so that I can mention the brands in social media and put myself right in front of them.

Be more active on Instagram

It's no secret that Instagram is a big part of blogging and that the fashion is a huge interest. I need to up my outfit/fashion focused posts to build my fashion following. I also need to be more interactive.

Network more

This one is a hard one because I am already struggling with time to write blog post. However, I am lucky enough to have the choice to occasionally work in the London office at work. I regularly get invited to small events in London but turn them down as I live in Brighton. I plan to work from London at least once a month and drop into events after. I can then blog on the train to an from work!

Did you go to LFW?

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1 comment

  1. Not this season but next season. How everything goes well.


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