Not only are jeans super comfortable, but they keep me in my comfort zone and I guess are the safe option. What this means is that I have a limited number of day dresses and skirts, more shockingly the only trousers I own that aren't jeans are basically leggings or jogging bottoms.
I was approached by George at ASDA and challenged to not wear Jeans for a week, instead wearing dresses and skirts, including pieces from their A/W dress collection. Armed with £55 to Spend at George, I purchased a lovely dark grey skater dress with lace details on the shoulder (Day 4), plain black leggings (most days) and a lovely brown chunky cardigan (not featured).
As you can see I only have 6 looks, unfortunately on day 7 I was admitted to hospital and have been putting comfort before style while I recover.
I have to say the challenge taught me a lot. Firstly, I need to get out of my comfort zone more regularly, wearing a skirt or a dress, makes me feel more dressy and as such I feel more confident. I noticed that I put more effort in to my hair, make up and accessories during the challenge. But because I had to put more thought into what I was wearing getting ready took a lot longer than usual.
Not wearing jeans also meant that I had to retire my trainers (what was I thinking on Day 6???) instead opting for various ankle boots, which again made me feel more confident and put together. It also meant that I shifted back into my darker colour palette, which I guess will change as I work on shifting to a more versatile wardrobe.
Most importantly I realised that I didn't look like a sausage or a giant cupcake in a skirt, which I think is part of the reason that I started to not wear them in the first place.
Have you got stuck in a style rut? Tell me what your go to item of clothing is!

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