Lifestyle | Design your bathroom to fulfil its potential - Lilla Loves

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Lifestyle | Design your bathroom to fulfil its potential

Image: Houzz
At the moment I am obsessed with looking for houses and imagining how I would renovate them. Sometimes my visions are full of kitsch accessories and bright colours and others are minimal, marble and whites.

Although I may not have a specific style in mind, and my décor preferences change like the wind, I do have some firm ideas. I’ve rented for over 10 years and have made notes on simple design faux pas that have really ruined the functionality of a space.

Wooden blinds

My main bugbear with bathrooms is lack of natural light, which I think is essential for things like plucking your eyebrows and other bathroom beauty rituals.
I have had bathrooms with no windows, some with tiny high up windows, but mostly they are right by the bath or shower. This isn’t always an issue, currently my bathroom is upstairs, I can have a bath without the roller blind down and still have privacy. However if I was to shower, my poor neighbour would be in danger of getting an eyeful.
The roller blinds are so clunky and they get covered in watermarks and all sorts, more importantly, all natural light is blocked out.
In my dream bathroom, I would choose wooden blinds, they are easy to wipe clean, so no staining. They can be open and closed without obstructing anything, unlike shutters and can preserve privacy while letting natural light in.

Bathroom Storage

When you share a bathroom with several other people, products and other bathroom necessities quickly mount up and clutter your bathroom, leaving it looking messy and in a small space, quite claustrophobic.
I believe, as with all storage options, bathroom storage is key. If you have the luxury of space, then built in cupboards and shelving is a fantastic way of storing towels, products and other bathroom bits.
If, on the other hand you do not have a lot of space, then it’s time to think about how to add it. Having a bathroom cabinet above the sink is not exactly breaking news, but is a great way place to hide products. But could you add addition shelves to the unit? Or maybe use baskets for more organised storage.
If the space under and around your sink isn’t big enough for a cabinet, think about under sink rail storage.

Extractor Fans

There is nothing that will ruin a bathroom faster than having no extractor fan – this is a fast track to a mold and mildew problem. In the last few years I have had extractor fans, but only ones that work when you turn on the light, the best ones to buy are those that automatically start when they detect moisture.

Heated Towel Rails

Heated towel rails are a no brainer really, keeps the bathroom warm in the winter, dries your towels and makes them snuggly when you get out of the shower. The most important thing is placement. Do not put it next to the toilet. It’s not fun to be half asleep and burn yourself on it!


Although I love natural lighting, it’s obviously not always possible. I find in a bathroom the biggest mistake made is often just putting one ceiling light in the bathroom. Yes this brightens up the room, but often leaves dark corners and lighting that you can’t apply make-up under, unless you are going for ‘tango-ed chic’.

What are your bathroom design bugbears?

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