Lifestyle | Gardeners Tips for Growing in Your Greenhouse - Lilla Loves

Friday, August 11, 2017

Lifestyle | Gardeners Tips for Growing in Your Greenhouse

I am not particularly green fingered, I'm not great at looking after plants. Never ask me to look after your Orchids while you're on holiday - I am like death row for plants. However, I am not bad at vegetable patches and when I was younger I used to love helping my nan and her garden with her greenhouse. One of which was completely taken over by a fig tree!

The moment you get a greenhouse you are opening your garden up to so many amazing opportunities. With the ability to grow your own fresh produce and carry out some challenging projects all year round, you can really put your gardening skills to the test and improve your growing knowledge. To ensure your greenhouse is set up and prepared properly to give you the very best results, there are a few things to consider before you start, so here are some tips from nanny!

The Right Style 

Buying your greenhouse is a big step, you need to take your garden into consideration. There are a few things you need to check before going ahead and making the purchase. It's important to do your research so that you invest in the right style of greenhouse for your needs. There are so many different greenhouse designs that come in different shapes and sizes, so you need to think about the garden space you have available. It’s also worth having a good look at a selection of different greenhouses, to ensure you’re getting the best value for money.

Greenhouse Practicality 

It’s important to consider the practical elements when it comes to choosing your greenhouse, this will ensure you can use it properly and the way you want too. Greenhouses are available in different styles such as a walk-in, lean-to and smaller styles that are more like a small box design than a house. Figure out which one would work best for you.

Walk-in greenhouses are ideal for those intending to carry out numerous projects that require a lot of space and oxygen, whereas a lean-to greenhouse is better for those wanting to undertake smaller projects that can be stored in a smaller space.

Similarly, lean-to greenhouses are best suited to smaller gardens, as they can be positioned neatly against a wall and kept to the outskirts of the garden, whereas a walk-in greenhouse requires a considerable amount of lawn space, along with essential sunlight exposure.

Let it Shine 

Sunshine is an absolute must for any greenhouse, as a generous supply of sun is required for growing. Before you begin your projects, you need to choose the best location in your garden that receives the most amount of light throughout the day and position your greenhouse there. This will help your plants to grow to their full potential.

Plenty of Storage 

Inside your greenhouse, you will have everything from the plants themselves to your gardening tools, bags of soil and a combination of essential items for cultivating various plants. Having an organised greenhouse may be difficult, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have space to keep things in some kind of order.

Greenhouse storage is a must, as it provides you with space to keep things neat and easy to find. Having things stored away will also free up plenty of space, and make the greenhouse area much safer.

Introduce some storage draws, greenhouse shelving and under bench boxes to free up some much-needed growing space for your projects. It will make your life much easier and your gardening tasks will seem much easier to handle.

At the moment my garden isn't big enough to have a greenhouse, I think I'm going to have to make do with window boxes! But one day I would love to have a greenhouse like my nan, filled with figs and other fruit trees. And if anyone has any idiot proof tips for keeping orchids, I would love to hear them!

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