BLOGGING | An Interview with Georgina Horne of Fuller Figure Fuller Bust - Lilla Loves

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

BLOGGING | An Interview with Georgina Horne of Fuller Figure Fuller Bust

Georgina Horne - Fuller Figure Fuller Bust
I read a lot of blogs and have decided to ask some of my favorite bloggers if they would mind answering some questions for me. Georgina Horne of Fuller Figure Fuller Bust was my first choice, I love her blog, which gives great bra advice as well as looking into fashion for curvy women and her Facebook page, where she often shares pictures of stunning models and tries to end body snark.

1. What made you enter Star in a Bra and then go on to start Fuller Figure Fuller Bust?
I decided to enter Star In A Bra to fill what I deemed to be one of many gaps in the modelling industry. I wanted to be that plus sized large breasted representation that so many women would love to see modelling clothes and underwear. And because I knew Curvy Kate didn't really airbrush models into non existence I thought it would be the truest way to represent myself and how underwear looks on my frame.
In the end I was pretty happy to come third. Initially I was gutted to have missed out on appearing in the catalogue, who wouldn't be? But losing total control over the photos that appeared online scared me and I don't think I would have been strong enough to see myself in the catalogue in a pose that I wasn't totally at ease with.
It took a matter of weeks for me to start my blog. What could be more perfect - photos I could take a zillion times in a row (choosing only the best) wearing items of my choice with my thoughts and reviews! 
I must say I started the blog with very little knowledge of...anything. I mean I had friends with blogs, I could write ok and that was it. If a few people read it and got something from it then that was excellent, if not well, it would be fun to do, right?
And so Fuller Figure Fuller Bust was born. 

2. Have you always been comfortable with your curvaceous figure?
Definitely not! In fact right now I'm the largest I've ever been and comparatively the most content, but I have a long way to go.
At school I was the freak with the big bum, the huge thighs, then next the large boobs appeared. I always wanted to be "fashionable", but my shape and size didn't allow for such foolishness. Nothing would fit, I resented dresses, jeans, shirts... I felt disgusting. And the fact is I was in the best shape of my life! I used the gym a lot at college and although I was chubby I had a figure I would kill for now! And yet I was so focused on the slim women around me - my sister, my colleagues, my classmates... I just didn't appreciate my differences.

3. If you could give teenage you any advice what would it be?
Ha! Wow! Erm, go for a bra fitting at Bravissimo, you are NOT a 40FF, more like a 32H. 
Stop cutting your own hair!
Stop trying to fit in and start learning how to stand out.
Emphasise that waist girl! Just because you hate that you can't wear a mini skirt because your legs are bigger, doesn't mean you don't have other amazing features!
Smile more.

4. To date what has been your best experience as a consequence of writing your blog? 
Wow... I don't think there has been just one! I've met some amazing women, inspiring fellow bloggers and writers, lingerie designers, models, Gok Wan! I've been in magazines which is of course an ego massage.
I guess the "fan mail" I get is what keeps me going. One negative comment can have me reaching for the trash button in a matter of seconds, I don't deal well with those! And then I'll get some amazing testimonial or photo or letter and I'll remember why I do it and why I love it. I do it for others, and they do so much for me in turn.

5. Who is your blogspiration?
Cheryl from Invest In Your Chest is the one who convinced me that I should start the blog. She helped me with so many things, telling me how frequently I should blog, suggesting bras and outfits I should try and get on my blog quickly. I used to read her blog, Thin And Curvy, Sophia Jenner, Ooh La La Curves, Diamonds And Pearls and Pocket Rocket. But Cheryl is my Fairy Blog Mother <3 nbsp="nbsp">

6. If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?
Bra size ignorance! If you mean something in my blog's world that is! Women are so quick to feel pride at their size ten jeans and slimming to a 12, but when it comes to bras I feel like they are clueless!

7. What are your wardrobe staples?
Belts!!!!! A million gazillion belts! I need to prove that I have a waist (by default)
Boleros to hide my shy arms.
Turquoise and leopard print items. Items that are both are a must buy.

8. Your style is very pin up/ rockabilly, who are your fashion icons?
Yeah, it has gone that way?! That sort of started because I found that PUG (Pinup Girl Clothing) dresses actually fit me and my tits, arse and waist. And they usually go to the knee. And then I realised I want to be a pin up! And I started to stalk every model and customer on the PUG FB page for inspiration! I love Gia Genevieve (PUG Model, she is mind blowingly curvy) I love Teer Wayde. I dunno, I don't really have an "icon", I just admire many aspects of many women's outfits.

9. If you ever have 'ugly' days - i.e. you feel like you look horrible, what do you do to make yourself better? 
Oh yeah! Ugly days are frequent! If I'm going to work I tend not to care as I look hideous in my uniform anyway and I'm not there to be glamorous. If I'm going out I'll probably throw a tantrum! Haha! I have a few dresses and outfits that are my "go to" and I know that I can put them on and feel better. Recently I joined the gym and that has made me feel amazing a lot of the time. I feel energised, stronger, slightly trimmer. I guess exercise helps! And then some chocolate!

10.Do you reckon you will still be blogging in 10 years time? 
I hope so! I have visions of FFFB turning into a Mummy blog as I hope that in ten years I'll have popped a few mini me's out and my breasts will be bloody enormous! I love blogging. It has rewarded me in more way than I can ever have imagined.



  1. Lovely interview, she's beautiful. :)

    I have nominated you for Liebster award, check out my post here:


  2. I really love Georgina. I think this has been a great interview. :)



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