I am quite a disorganised person, who loves organising. Stupid I know! My favourite thing about organising is list writing, I write and re-write list, half of which get lost and never used! One list I have that is forever growing is my wardrobe wish list, some of which I share with you. I was reading RTH last year and she did a blog post about Lyst. I added it to my, then because of a hectic period at work never got round to playing with until it popped up on my Twitter news feed this week and now I am hooked!
Sign up was easy, Lyst suggests various websites and designers for you to follow, this then helps them decide what items it shows you.
When you get to browsing can add your favourite items to various Lysts – this can be for you or for a friend, a wishlist anything! I’ve started working on a Summer Capsule wardrobe, a series of items that all match and can be work together – making summer style super easy!
Apart from the super awesome Lyst making, it also links you up to all the sales – instead of going from website to website you can see all the great deals from all your favourite brands in one place. Perfect for Sunday morning browsing with a cuppa while watching awful TV!

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