I was meant to be having a BBQ on Sunday, but the weather was having different ideas! Instead, I made an Iranian feast for my guests. But I had had my heart set one creating a delicious, fruity punch for my guests as I had just got my mitts on some Tennesee drinking glasses* and a Vintage drink dispenser*.
I love the Tennesee glasses, I wanted them at my wedding, but sourcing so many was out of my budget. They are 15OZ glasses (430ml to you and me!) and are perfect for summer cocktails. Equally good for juice with a book when the weather is not co-operating.
The punch was really simple a mixture of Rosé, tropical juice and lemonade. I then chopped up apples, strawberries and oranges and added ice to keep it cool and refreshing. I think it looks really chic in my new drinks dispenser.
Have you got a cocktail or punch recipe? Let me know! I bet it would taste extra tasty in my new glasses!

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