Here at Goatcher HQ it's been all go, go, go. Joe is working on a new project, we are trying to sort the house out and we've also had some teenagers living with us. So it's been a while since I've had the chance to take some uninterrupted 'me time'. It also means that sadly haven't used the lovely pamper gift Victoria Plumb sent me a few weeks ago. The delivery consisted of a liquid soap dispenser, a few magazines, Yankee candles, face masks and some Soap and Glory bits.
On Saturday, I finally had an hour to myself and thought I deserved a long relaxing bath. I grabbed my lovely pamper kit and ran a hot bubble bath armed with a copy of Vogue.
Making time for yourself is so important. Just having an hour a week where you can relax and take a moment to clear your mind is so revitalizing. It's also the perfect excuse for some pampering. I thought I would share with you some of my 'me time' tips.
Escape to another world...
My bath is my sanctuary. I love to take a book in with me.On more than one occasion, I've sat there until the water has gone cold.Grab your favourite book and just sit back and relax while you are whisked away into a different life - have a towel handy for turning the pages.
Pick a mask
Face mask or hair mask? Or go crazy and do both! If you haven't got any products in your beauty arsenal, why not make your own? Treat your skin to this lovely Chocolate and Honey Face Mask or moisturise dried tresses with this lovely Avacado and Peppermint tea hair mask.
Take a deep breath
Why not get fancy and add a few drops of essential oil to your bath for a spa-esque experience. Aromatic baths can get you to aid relatation, reduce anxiety and ease muscle pain. I love adding a bit of Lavender oil to my bath, the smell is so relaxing and it also soothes your skin. Especially for a pre-bed session, as it can help you off to the land of nod.
Alternatively, drop a spoon of Lucy Bee Coconut Oil into your bath, it smells divine and will leave your skin feeling amazing. I've become obsessed, not only do I cook with it but it's become a beauty staple.
Add some extra bubbles
I'm not talking more bubble bath. Make this a full sensory experience by treating yourself to a glass of fizz, be it wine, or sparkling elderflower. It can be very refreshing if you love a hot bath like me.
Get funky
Get colourful. Lush do these awesome bath bombs that change your bath water into magical swirls of colour as they fizz away.
What are your top relaxation tips? I'd love to hear them!

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