Achieving maximum bed comfort
Whilst beds were undoubtedly designed with sleeping in mind, if you're anything like me, the bed can provide an extra living space for us to relax and recuperate in too.Often after a hard-days work, there's nothing better than going to bed early and unwinding with a book, film or just surfing the web. Unfortunately, the traditional bed often doesn't cut it when it comes to catering to our non-sleeping bed requirements. So here's a few items that I've found really helped me achieve true comfort when lounging around in bed.
Relaxation support
When making your bed into a relaxation nest, it's always a good idea to try and make it as cosy and comfortable as possible. Gathering a huge amount of cushions is a quick and relatively cheap way to help you get settled, and with some choice cushion fabrics, colours and textures, it can even look classy too!
It's often our neck that can suffer most when reading in bed. And although a stiff neck is usually nothing to worry about, the discomfort caused can be a real nuisance. But there are many ways in which you can give your neck an extra bit of comfort. There's nothing worse than going to bed and resting your head against a cold concrete wall, but investing in one of Bedstar's headboards that features leather padding so that your head can be comforted is one cheap and easy way to ensure that you get to read and relax in style.
Heat and light
Whilst we all can have our individual preferences when it comes to the perfect sleeping temperature, when it comes to merely relaxing in bed, we all want to be cosy. But in the winter months there are often those ice-cold patches of the bed that can lead to our feet getting somewhat chilly.
The traditional hot water bottle can do much to help in this situation. But if you don't fancy getting up to refill the bottle every couple of hours, there are other options such as electric blankets which can easily be adjusted to suit your individual needs.
Our eyesight is something that should be considered if we're getting into the habit of spending a lot of time reading in bed. Having a directional lamp with a strong light source will make sure that you are able to read easily without ruining your subtle bedroom ambience.
And finally, if you're into spending a lot of time on your mobile device or tablet before going to sleep, then be aware that the UV rays emitted by these devices can interfere with our ability to sleep. But thankfully, the f.lux app is able to reduce the sleep-affecting light without compromising your ability to read and relax in style.

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