Lifestyle | Stylish Kitchen Storage Solutions - Lilla Loves

Friday, February 05, 2016

Lifestyle | Stylish Kitchen Storage Solutions

It seems like no matter how much room I have in my kitchen, there is never enough space. Our latest kitchen has more space than the last and a pull out larder and yet there is still no space. Part of this frustration is the fridge, we had this lovely big American fridge freezer at our last place, but it wouldn’t fit our new house

Creating more space with rails and s-hooks

Adding a rail under a cabinet or over the cooker can be a great way to add extra storage and space to your kitchen. The s-hooks can be used to store mugs (as above), cooking utensils or frying pans. Alternately hang a pot from it and us it to put cutlery in, or even hand your home grown herbs from it.

Basket storage

If you have floor space, but no cupboards, a breathable basket can be a good solution. Wire baskets, or more natural rattan baskets, are great for storing long lasting vegetables that don’t need to be kept in the fridge. Potatoes and other root vegetables are ideal for this sort of storage, although it is good to store them in the dark to prevent them from sprouting. Basket storage can also be used to store your plastic bag collection, and dry ingredients like flour and yeast.

Drawer units

I love these types of units – they not only provide more workspace, but the top two drawers can be used as junk drawers (who doesn’t have at least one in their kitchen?), while the lower ones could store vegetables, baking ingredients, spices or even plates. You can find similar units that have wheels which can give it multiple uses. If you buy some chalk paint, you can customise your dried spices lids and write the names on them for easy use.

Mounted wall units

If you don’t have floor space that you can use, why not create space on a wall? This cure little cubby unit is perfect for bits and bobs. Keep dried herbs and spices, seeds or recipe cards in the cubbies or fresh plants on top. Also perfect for tea towel storage. I’d even love something like this in my bathroom or imaginary office.

Ladder Storage

I love ladder storage, it’s great for all rooms and the multi-depth shelves make them so versatile. The top shelves can be used for smaller items like mugs, fresh herbs, the mid-shelves are perfect for recipe books and the bottom for larger appliances or pots. Alternatively, you could use storage tins on the shelf to store dried ingredients or vegetables.

Have you got a clever kitchen storage hack? Let me know, I need more space.

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  1. I'm moving house on Friday and I need a whole new kitchen! These are deffo some tips I'll keep in mind!

    Becca //

  2. I dream daily of a nice big kitchen with plenty of room for everything but alas it will be years before I get my dream kitchen! Wish I could share a kitchen hack with you, but my over flowing cabinets and drawers have a lot to answer for... Love the baskets storage idea!


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