Another year, another mothers day. Not only am I thankful to have a fantastic mother, who has always wanted the best for me, supported me and loved me, no matter how hard I have made it. She's been a fantastic role model and I honestly believe that I will be happy in life if I achieve even a fraction of the happiness that she has. Mummy dearest is on holiday with my dad, so my sisters and I will be treating my nan this Sunday. But that doesn't mean my mum won't get a pressie! Here are a few things I've got my eye on for her:
Bloom &Wild
My mum loves having flowers in her house, she has a lot of dried and silk ones, but really appreciates a good bouquet of flowers. She loves light colours, nothing too bright or colourful. She's also really good at arranging flowers and I think would love a Bloom & Wild subscription.
Ugg Slippers
Mum can be super glam, and has been called a yummy mummy more than once, but she is a comfort girl at heart. I know she loves her warm snuggly Ugg boots, and I think the slippers would be a lovely gift for when she's working from home, or having a Netflix day.
A good handbag
I guess this Kate Spade bag is more my taste than my mums. But she loves a designer bag, over the years she has collected a few, that give us all bag envy.
Neom Sleep Kit
I've heard great things about this kit, and know that my mum often finds it hard to sleep (mainly because my dad is a champion snorer!). But what a lovely gift, the contents aim is to help relax your body and and bring you to the calm that you need in order to get a quality night sleep.
Wine Glasses
My mum loves a good old bottle glass of wine. She is a very sociable women, and regularly has guest over, which also means, that a lot of glasses get accidentally broken. Why not be a good daughter and help her replenish her collection?
What person doesn't love being gifted a good fragrance? My mum is currently in obsessed with Estee Lauders Aerin fragrances, created by Estee Lauders daughter. But other great choices out there are Kate Spade, Walk on Air and the classic Chanel no. 5.
Novelty Mum Mug
No Mother's day is complete without a novelty Mum mug!
Cherish your mummy this year, and spoil her rotten.

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