I am going to start this blog post by saying
that if you are comfortable with your body hair that is fantastic for you.
Being noticeably hairier than my peers growing up, for me it is something I am
still quite uncomfortable with, but I get that is quite normal for someone who
had to start bleaching her upper lip at the age of 9!
As we all know there are many ways to say
goodbye to unwanted body hair, but each method varies in how long the results
lasts, these also differ from person to person. Some methods get rid of hair
for a few days, while others can remove it for weeks. It is all a matter of
balancing your budget and time constraints with how much you want the offending
hairs to disappear.
Sugaring Instead of Waxing or Shaving Body Hair
Sugaring treatments are like waxing
treatments. However, sugaring should keep hair from growing back for at least
six weeks. Waxing treatments can work for that long, but they also sometimes
only work for about two weeks. As for shaving, new growth after doing that can
be visible after as little as two or if you are me, by the next day.
Obviously, shaving is the easiest and most
comfortable, I am guilty of growing out my legs for a wax and then giving up
and shaving instead. If you choose to shave hair away, you can expect to be
doing so all the time. Waxing and sugaring are equally painful, but you can
reduce the discomfort by having the treatment done professionally.
Electrolysis and Laser Treatments for Hair Removal
Aside from waxing and sugaring treatments,
clinics also offer other hair removal treatments. Among them are the use of
laser hair removing devices and electrolysis machines. Both techniques involve
some degree of discomfort, and both have to be repeated over and over again for
the best results.
I hear that Laser treatment is more
comfortable than electrolysis, and that is can be more versatile. An
electrolysis treatment is better suited to treating a small area of the body,
while lasers can be used almost anywhere. Having had electrolysis in the past,
I would say it is effective, but uncomfortable. As the treatment, targets follicle
by follicle, it is limited to small areas, and can be less effective on coarse
hair. Laser treatment is much more effective to remove hair from a larger area.
Using Epilators for Hair Removal Spot Treatments
Epilators are small hand-held devices that
can pull out several hairs at a time. You can grab yourself an Epilator from
Boots, I can recommend the Braun Silk range, as I use the Epil
7 myself. While more time consuming and painful than shaving, I find it
does offer a longer lasting result and although I know it doesn’t make a
difference, the hair does appear to grow back finer.
Aftercare Treatments to Help Keep Body Hair Away
Regardless of which technique or combination
of techniques you decide to use, aftercare can help you maximize the results. Make
sure you moisturise after you de-fuzz yourself. Depilatory formulas are
specially designed to get rid of existing hairs after repeated use, but they
can also work to keep hair that is already gone from growing back as quickly as
it would without depilatory cream treatment.
As you can see, the world of hair removal is
not limited to shaving and waxing at all. There are many treatments that are
available to you. You can even try several different hair removal techniques
until you find out which method is the one(s) that your body responds to best.
Have you got a hair removal tip, trick or story?

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