LIFESTYLE | My duvet obsession - Lilla Loves

Thursday, November 14, 2013

LIFESTYLE | My duvet obsession

"At the moment I have a duvet obsession. Actually, this isn't a new thing, ever since moving in with hubs seven years ago I've had a love for girly bedsheets. When we first moved in together we weren't particularly homely people, we were gifted a lot of furniture from out families and had hand me down bed sheets too.

Eventually, I started falling in love with vintage floral bedsheets and pastels and hubs put up with it, although he felt like I was making the bedroom too feminine and started making grumbles.

Our plan for 2014 is to redecorate the bedroom, get a new bed and up cycle some of the furniture we currently have. This means thinking about new bedding to match our new room decor. I think it's fair to say that the bedding needs to move away from girly pinks and move forward to more masculine colours, but still pretty.

I came across Joules range of Duvet Covers and was very happy to have found somewhere that could offer a compromise.

Girls English Garden Duvet Cover, Maisy Flower

Sunbird Floral Duvet Cover, Sun floral

Reversible Cambridge Floral Duvet Cover, Aquafloral

While the duvet covers are still pretty florals, the colours are bold and more manly - not to mention that Hubs likes birds. I also like the way that there are a lot of colours in each print which allows you to be able to pick out different contrast colours for bed sheets or extra pillows.

I also really like the contrasting pattern on the underside - which effectively make these all reversible!

Do you have a passion for duvet covers?

Love Lilla xx

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